Ancient Roads and Psalm 143

Roads in the ancient near East were typically in need of constant maintence and if used for transport had to be made constantly level. They needed ongoing caretaking to remain level. Our walk through life also needs constant care to ensure our footing is on level ground. Over time ancient roads were improved leading to growing communities, trade and bettering the quality of life for the people. Our quality of life is improved as we seek to walk on level roads and ground paved with God’s word.

In Psalm 143, we see David seeking to ensure his footing is on level ground and he cries out to the Lord for help. David is crying out because the enemy has pursued him. David describes his circumstances as his being crushed to the ground and feeling like he is living in darkness. He describes his spirit as weak and his heart overcome with dismay. David believes in God’s faithful love and trusts Him and asks God to reveal the way he should go. David knows God will lead him on level ground.

As we walk on level ground nothing will cause us to fall or stumble. We need God to teach and lead us in our walk. As we seek God in our lives each day we are ensuring the care and maintence of our roads – of our walking on level ground.

” Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord! I have fled to you for refuge. Teach me to do your will, for you are my God! Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground!” Ps 143: 8-10 ESV

Jackie Burns

I have authored and led weekly Sunday School programs and Womens Bible Studies, and hold a graduate degree in theology. After retiring from the secualar work place my focus has been on creating and sharing the Lord's word with others. I have both a podcast and blog page. My podcast is called Rough Places into Level Ground and links can be found on my blogpage, Seeking Level Ground.