The Walls Before Us

In Isaiah 45:1-7, Isaiah speaks to us of the insurmountable walls of Babylon facing King Cyrus. He speaks to us of the walls that may lay before us – the places in our lives that seem insurmountable. In these verses God has called Cyrus to go and capture Babylon which is physically described as being virtually impenetrable. The walls alone were said to be several hundred feet high and about 75 feet thick, with gates made of bronze and barred with iron.

What are the lessons in these verses, how is God telling us He will go before us and level the exalted places? Verse 2 tells us, “I will go before you and level the exalted places.”

  • God tells us through Cyrus that He has us by the right hand. We, as Cyrus, will walk in His strength.
  • God will go before us and level the ground.
  • God calls us by name, He knows us even though we, like Cyrus, may not know Him.
  • God will equip us for what lays ahead.
  • God wants us, as Cyrus, to know Him, He made the light and darkness and will use all for our good.
  • We can find God in our dark times. In the times we face circumstances that seem insurmountable, He is there.

Would Cyrus have known all of this about God had he not faced the walls of Babylon? What have the walls of circumstance we have faced taught us and how have they brought us closer to God?

Have there been times in your life when the circumstances you have faced may not have changed but in some way you changed and found yourself better able to endure and make it through?

For more on the Walls of Babylon and Isaiah 45, follow this link to the podcast.

Jackie Burns

I have authored and led weekly Sunday School programs and Womens Bible Studies, and hold a graduate degree in theology. After retiring from the secualar work place my focus has been on creating and sharing the Lord's word with others. I have both a podcast and blog page. My podcast is called Rough Places into Level Ground and links can be found on my blogpage, Seeking Level Ground.

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