Category: Hope

Circling Jericho – Overcoming the Strongholds and Battles in our Lives (Joshua 6:1-7)

In Joshua we find the Israelites circling the walls of Jericho. Circling a city they must overcome, a city with insurmountable walls. We too face our own Jerichos, problems and circumstances that seem insurmountable to us. How do we do it, how do we walk through these kind of circumstances? Join us as we look to the Lord’s word to guide us through the things in life that we in our own human strength cannot conquer.

The Compassion of Christ

Today’s study focuses on Luke 9, where Jesus sends his disciples to spread the gospel, heal, and trust wholly in God for their needs. They journeyed, facing both acceptance and rejection, and learned to rely on Jesus for strength and provision, evidenced by the miracle of feeding the masses with five loaves and two fish. In Christ, they, and we, find compassion, rest, and unshakeable joy.

Restoration – Our Stories in God’s Hand

“Because you are important everything you do is important. Every time you forgive, the universe changes; every time you reach out and touch a heart or a life, the world changes; with every kindness and service, seen or unseen, my purposes are accomplished, and nothing will ever be the same again.” by William Paul Young

timelapse photography of fireworks

Hope for the New Year

What if you could enter each day of the New Year filled with promise and hope? Would you resolve to do it?

Forsaken: The Poignancy of Loss at Christmas

Forsaken is to be abandoned, deserted, and forgotten. It is currently one of the most searched for words on the internet along with loss. If this Christmas season you find yourself in a time of feeling forsaken join us as we explore the apostle Paul’s message in his second letter to Timothy of hope and encouragement.

The Christmas Worm and our Hope

As I read and studied these past few weeks there were three references to a worm that touched me deeply. They filled me with hope, the hope of the Christmas worm. These references also...

Advent Today and Everyday

Advent is a tradition said to have begun sometime in the 4th century. The word advent means a time of expectant waiting and hope. This expectant waiting for the birth of Christ is celebrated...