The Compassion of Christ

Today’s study is from Luke 9: 1-6 and 10-17.

As we begin Luke 9 Jesus is sending out the disciples. They had already been chosen, ordained and had traveled with Jesus, watching and learning from Him. Now, it was time to put into practice all they had learned. We know Jesus said to them that they were to go out, take the word and gospel of Jesus, heal as they went and cast out demons. Jesus had given them full authority and power to do so. Their true power was not found in their ability to do miracles. No, their true power and authority was in Jesus Himself, in their carrying of Jesus in their belief and trust in Him.

Jesus instructs them to go out and bring nothing with them that would allow them to meet their needs. he told them to take no staff, bag, bread or money. Not even an extra tunic to clothe them. As we journey through our lives what can we bring with us that will meet all our needs? Is there anything we have that can not be taken from us in this world and that we can count on for everything, besides Jesus? The disciples were to take nothing with them and were to depend totally on God for their guidance, protection, power, food and shelter. They were to look to God for all. This is how the disciples were to apply all they learned to their journey.

Their journey was demanding. They faced masses of people wanting healing, wanting to be rid of demons, people tugging at them wanting to experience the miracles of Christ. They would face unbelievers, and those just wanting the healings and not the word of Christ. Their journey was demanding and exhausting, and at times discouraging.

Upon returning they came to Jesus and told Him of all they had done. Imagine going through our day, carrying Jesus with us, walking through our day doing His will as we went, depending on Him, leaning on Him, and trusting Him to care for us. And then returning to Him, talking with Him, telling Him of all we had done. Thanking Him for our successes and bringing to Him our concerns, failures, fears and doubts that we experienced. Returning to Him and sharing all with Him. Psalm 16:8 captures this way of walking through our lives, it says, “I have set the Lord continually before me; Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” As we return to God over and over through our days, bringing Him all our concerns, leaning on Him to comfort and guide us, we experience His compassion. We are to be just as children returning home to a loving father, telling him of their days successes and failures and seeking comfort. Our God will always be there comforting, guiding us and letting us know that everything will be ok, because it already is ok.

As we read further in Luke 9, in verse 10 we see that when the disciples returned Jesus took them with Him, away from the crowds and demands, to give them rest. Mark 6:31 tells us that Jesus tells the disciples to come away by themselves to a secluded place and rest for a while. Our rest is with and in Christ and our time with Him, even when that time is brief. He takes us with Him as He did the disciples and gives us rest, refueling, strength and comfort. Our God knows we need rest and that we need His care.

Despite going away with Jesus to a secluded place the crowds followed them. And they were now far from any towns and provisions and the day was ending. The disciples knew the people would need to be fed and this need was far greater than any the disciples could meet. They themselves only had five loaves of bread and two fish. So, the disciples told Jesus to send the people away so they could go and get food for themselves. And Jesus responded, “you give them something to eat!” How many times are the needs we face in our world so much bigger and greater than us and our meager resources? The disciples took their bread and fish and gave them to Jesus. As they did so, Jesus instructed them to have the people sit, and the disciples obeyed. As they gave all they had to Jesus and obeyed Him, what they had soon became enough. They like us must give all we have to Jesus, obey and trust in Him to do the rest, to do all that is beyond us to do. And Jesus in turn did the same, He took what little food was given to Him, looked to the Father in heaven, and from the little He had in His hands He fed the masses. Not only did Jesus feed all of the people, but when He was done there were 12 baskets of food left to also feed the 12 disciples. In His compassion Jesus fed all those who followed Him and the 12 disciples who served Him. Christ sends no one away hungry and cares for all.

As we are in fellowhip with Christ, sharing all of our life with Him, following Him, obeying Him, receiving His guidance and care over our lives, we all can experience the compassion and care of Christ. As we move closer and closer to Christ in our lives, depending on and trusting in Him above all else, we come nearer to the one true God who promises joy, power, peace, comfort, strength and eternal life. In Christ we find our life. In Christ we stand unshaken, as we experience His presence and compassion.

As we close, let us pray and give thanks and glory to our Lord by praying Psalm 16:7-11.

Father, we bless you, the Lord who counsels us, instructs our minds in the night. Help us Father to set you continually before us, and because you are at our right hands we will not be shaken. Therefore, our hearts refoice, and our flesh will dwell securely. For you will not abondon us to Sheol or allow us to undergo decay. We thank you Father for you make known to us the path of life; Your presence is the fullness of joy; In your right hand there are pleasures forever. In Jesus name we give thanks and praise to you. Amen.

Jackie Burns

I have authored and led weekly Sunday School programs and Womens Bible Studies, and hold a graduate degree in theology. After retiring from the secualar work place my focus has been on creating and sharing the Lord's word with others. I have both a podcast and blog page. My podcast is called Rough Places into Level Ground and links can be found on my blogpage, Seeking Level Ground.

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